Songwriter Split Sheets: What Is It And Do You Need It?


If you’ve written a song with cowriters before, you know it can be difficult to keep track of everyone’s ownership, contact details, and more. This is where a split sheet comes in. You can get our free split sheets template here!


What is a split sheet?

Split sheets are an easy way for songwriters to keep track of the songs they co-write. It’s usually a sheet of paper that includes the following:

  • Names of all the songwriters

  • Contact Details of all of the songwriters

  • Percentages of ownership of the song

  • Performing Rights Organization (PRO) affiliation of each songwriter.


When should you use a split sheet?

Short answer: always. Whenever you agree to cowrite or collaborate with various songwriters, it is best to stay organized and professional. We recommend you get songwriting splits discussions as soon as possible so that everyone can focus on being creative. There are so many examples of frustrations and miscommunications in relation to a lack of clear split sheets. Make sure you always bring enough sheets as you may be writing multiple songs in a session.


Why should you use a split sheet?

In addition, to setting clear expectations with everyone involved in the songwriting session, you’ll need the sheet as the song is recorded, mixed, mastered, and hopefully eventually released. These sheets help you ensure you keep track of your ownership of the song as you collect your publishing royalties from around the world and web. It’s also best to start inputting your catalog and ownership percentages into a spreadsheet so when you need the information you have it easily available to you.

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